
The club currently has a variety of basic tools and equipment to assist members in servicing and maintaining their bikes in the event of a breakdown.

Some of these tools are :
  • Bike repair station
  • Set of hex keys and a spanner
  • Pump with two nozzles
  • Truing stand for wheels
  • Wrench with spokes
And various emergency tools required during the ride.

Garage Facility

We have a dedicated garage and storage room situated at the far end of North Campus below OAK Mess. This garage repair facility will be open to all on dedicated days and times in the presence of a club member. Institute residents can avail themselves of the help provided by the members to carry out adjustments and repairs.

Available Bike Models

The club has more than 15 bikes for club rides and for renting.

For club rides, we have
For rent, we have

Bike Renting

From the novice to the most advanced rider, everyone can have two-wheel fun for twenty-four hours and explore some native trails.

We at MtB Club aim to provide you the thrill of experiencing riding in the mountains. To fulfil this aim, apart from regular rides organised by the club, you can rent the bikes at nominal rates. You must fill out the form and deposit a refundable security deposit.

For Students of IIT Mandi
Bike Min. 3 hr rent Rent per hour
(after 3 hours)
Security Deposit
(1 x 7 Geared)
Rs.50 Rs.15 Rs.300
(3 x 8 Geared)
Rs.90 Rs.25 Rs.500
Bike Min. 3 days rent Rent per day
(after 3 days)
Security Deposit
(1 x 7 Geared)
Rs.250 Rs.90 Rs.500
(3 x 8 Geared)
Rs.420 Rs.150 Rs.1000

For Faculty and Staff of IIT Mandi
Bike Min. 3 hr rent Rent per hour
(after 3 hours)
Security Deposit
(1 x 7 Geared)
Rs.70 Rs.20 Rs.300
(3 x 8 Geared)
Rs.130 Rs.40 Rs.500
Bike Min. 3 days rent Rent per day
(after 3 days)
Security Deposit
(1 x 7 Geared)
Rs.350 Rs.130 Rs.500
(3 x 8 Geared)
Rs.600 Rs.210 Rs.1000

Please read the given guidelines and rules carefully before taking a bike on rent.
  • Always follow the guidelines given by the Covid Task Force Committee.
  • Bikes will be available for the students/employees to rent.
  • Students can use the bikes free of charge on rides organised by the club.
  • The following bikes are available for rent:
  • Students, as well as faculty, and staff of IIT Mandi can get bikes on rent.
  • The Montra bikes will be rented only to experienced riders and will be decided by the club coordinators.

How to rent a MtB club’s bike?
Below are the steps to rent a bike. Please strictly adhere to them.
  • At least 24 hours before the start time of the rental, fill the form at this link. Only filling out the Google form does not confirm your booking. However, it is mandatory to first make the online booking. As booking time can be used to give priority on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Collect : During a specific day/time, the club coordinators will contact...
  • Payment :
    Security Money : At the time of acceptance of the bike, security money has to be deposited into the official account. The rent will be deducted from this amount and the rest will be refunded after the ride.

    If the renter finds out that there has been damage to the bike, a corresponding amount will be deducted from the security deposit to cover the damage (in addition to the rent). If the rental amount (and damage repair, if any) is more than the security deposit, the borrower has to pay the remaining amount into the account.
  • Return: The bike needs to be handed over to the lender only, and not to any third party or be left stranded in a place. The borrower will be responsible for the bike till it is handed back to the lender. The lender will have a careful look at the condition of the bike to look for damages. The borrower is expected to honestly tell others of any damage or issues with the bike to ensure a smooth and safe ride for others.

The following rules need to be strictly followed during the ride, failing which the borrower will be banned from all club activities and strict action may be taken by the institute.
  • You should not litter, participate or initiate any other activity which may be harmful to the sensitive ecosystem of the route.
  • During the ride, any type of drinking, smoking, or drug use is strictly prohibited.
  • If the bikes are used for any unethical and illegal purposes, such as transportation of illegal substances, etc.
  • A helmet provided by the club must be worn by the rider at all times.
  • The lenders should not allow anyone else to ride the bikes lent to them.
  • If you are found violating the above rules, you will be banned from the club activities and strict disciplinary action might be taken against you.
  • At the time of receiving the bike, you will be required to sign an undertaking stating the above rules and guidelines. The understanding will also state that the MtB Club and the institute will not be liable for any damage or loss of wealth, property or life caused by you.